HtmlFixture Improved README


project page is at


1. install and start FitNesse as instructed at

2. under your installation directory for fitnesse, create a directory called "lib"

3. copy the jars in htmlfixture-VERSION/lib into the lib directory you created in 2

4. copy the htmlfixture-VERSION/ file to the root of your fitnesse install directory

5. edit the root page on your FitNesse wiki ( if you followed the installation
 directions in 1 exactly, this will be http://localhost/root?edit ) and
 add the following text (where [PATH-TO-LIB] is the full path to the lib directory you created in step 2):

!path [PATH-TO-LIB]/*

!fixture com.jbergin.HtmlFixture

7. in the SetUp for any test you create, include the following text:


8. to create a fit table that accesses HtmlFixture, start with


Here is my acknowledgement for htmlunit LICENSE: 
 *       "This product includes software developed by Gargoyle Software Inc.
 *        ("


To install the demo, copy htmlunit-VERSION/doc/FitNesseRoot/HtmlFixtureDemo
 to your FitNesseRoot directory where you installed fitnesse


Many tests create html output showing the tables excercised by the test. 
 This will be the most complete and authoritative set of documentation and
 examples of htmlfixture improved usage.  `mvn test` creates these files in
 the doc/html directory.  copy these files and the to the document root of
 a standard webserver to view the output


Logging is controlled by the file in your root fitnesse directory.
 Valid values for the logger level are: debug, info, warn, error, and fatal. 
 Note that the debug level will print out all communication that goes in or out of the simulated webclient.


This project builds with maven-2 ( ). 
 Once maven is set up, download and unzip, cd to htmlfixture and execute

mvn install

To create the bin zip file from source, execute

mvn assembly:assembly